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Financial Tips


Financial Tips

5 Things You Need to Know About Student Loans Before Graduating

With the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) deadline fast approaching, student loans are on the minds of many parents and students preparing for their first year of college.

Tips to Manage College Expenses

It’s September and for many parents, that means it’s time to send the kids off to college. And while getting a college education seems more important than ever, tuition and student loans can weigh heavily.

Student Loans 101

College is over and your student loan repayments are finally becoming a reality. For many who are straight out of school and unemployed, this is an intimidating situation – but it doesn't have to be.

5 Financial Tips for College Students

If you are a college student, you are probably focusing on getting an education rather than saving for your financial future. However, it is important that you take control of your finances now to avoid problems later.

North Country Savings Bank Lending Office

What’s New at North Country Savings Bank

As we close out 2020, and head into the new year, North Country Savings Bank has a lot happening! From a new lending office to extensive safety measures, check out some of the latest updates at the bank.


What You Need to Know About 2021’s Tax Season – What’s Changed & What to Expect

2020 was a year like none other, so it stands to reason that tax season 2021 will have a few surprises in store as well.

family celebrating Christmas together

Get Financially Ready for the Holidays

As the calendar drifts into October and the stores begin to feature holiday decorations, your mind might be jumping to everything you need to do for the holidays.

Savings Tip Jar

20 Brilliant & Easy Ways to Save Money

Saving should be part of everyone's financial plan, whether you need to set aside funds for a new car, a tropical vacation, or building an emergency fund. By making some small changes to your everyday life, you can easily reach your financial goals.

piggy banks for summer savings

Say “No” to Out of Control Summer Spending

Summer is traditionally a time to let loose and enjoy carefree evenings and fun-filled weekends. Unfortunately, the nicer weather can be hard on finances. Between family vacations and weekly fun, summer expenses tend to add up quickly and create a dent in your hard-earned savings.

beach chairs by the ocean during spring break

How to Save Money Before & During Your Spring Break Trip

Ah, Spring Break. The phrase brings to mind thoughts of the beach, late nights, friends, and way too much sun exposure! The winters are long and cold in Upstate NY.

Plants growing

Planning for the Unexpected: Finding a New Job in the Age of COVID

Planning for the Unexpected: Finding a New Job in the Age of COVID It goes without saying that the last few months have brought unprecedented changes for all of us. Shutdowns, quarantine, job loss or loss of income, have given every working man and woman in America a lot to figure out.

Mother and child putting money in a piggy bank

Start Your Kids on a Positive Financial Path

Financial responsibility doesn't come naturally. It's something that has to be learned, or even better, taught from a young age. Luckily, there is a lot you can do to help set your children up for long-term financial success – and North Country Savings Bank is here to help!